You can also use this in conjunction with an sdgecko or any other EXI-based device


This particular version requires a DOL-001 cube with an SP-2 port. remove the smallest(serial port 2) cover and check if the port is there. If not, proceed to Soldering

The drop in mod requires no permanent modification. Turn your GameCube upside down, remove the serial port 2 cover, and insert the adapter as shown below.

highlighted SP 2 door


This particular version works with any and all GameCube models(All DOL-001 and DOL-101 units), but requires complex disassembly and soldering to your console. We are not responsible for any damages done attempting this install.


  • Soldering Iron
  • SD Card slot
  • Wire(various sizes)

Generic SD Card Pinout

SD Card Pinout

Soldering points on motherboard

GC Motherboard Soldering Locations