Go to options, network option, provider option, click yes and proceed to the network config screen.
Choose “manually set IP Adress” and hit next
Enter the ip of your computer running PSOLoad for the DNS, the various commands for this are below(on windows you can run ipconfig and look for the IPv4 Adress, on linux you would run ip a and look for the IPv4 for your network interface. For mac, if on a wired connection use Ipconfig getifaddr en1 and for wireless ipconfig getifaddr en0)
Windows: ipconfig
MacOSX: if on a wired connection use Ipconfig getifaddr en1 and for wireless ipconfig getifaddr en0
Linux: ip a
In a terminal / command promp in the same directory as your PSOLoad application, copy a homebrew dol(for this purpose we will assume you are loading swiss) and launch it using PSOload.exe swiss.dol
On Mac and Linux you need to set the program to be executable if it isn’t already(chmod +x psoload2) and run it with this command: ./psoload2 swiss.dol
Now on PSO choose the Online Game option at the title screen. Follow the onscreen directions and create your character. After you have created your character and saved it to the mem card and the game asks if you agree to the user terms say yes. The game will begin to load and you will see a warp hole type screen. At this point the game is initializing the Gamecube BBA for connection and you should pay attention to your command prompt screen to verify you have received the messages that your content is being saved on the memory card.