Animal Crossing

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Quick Look

AC Box Art "Animal Crossing Exploit"

AC Disc Art

(87s and 13 buttons)

Notes: NES Loader
Buttons: start, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, move, A, A, A, A


  • This exploit is more than just clicking buttons, please see this video to execute
  • Download and extract it We need two GCI Files:
  • Take one of following options from the nesgame folder:
    • NTSC-U => gafe.gci
    • PAL (Australia) => gafu.gci
    • PAL (English) => gafp_eng.gci
    • PAL (French) => gafp_fre.gci
    • PAL (German) => gafp_ger.gci
    • PAL (Italian) => gafp_ita.gci
    • PAL (Spanish) => gafp_spa.gci
    • NTSC-J (Doubutsu no Mori e+) => gaej_v1XX.gci , the XX are the last numbers on your disk serial
    • NTSC-J (Doubutsu no Mori +) => gafj_v1XX.gci , the XX are the last numbers on your disk serial
  • Place the .gci file into the folder MCBackup\nesgame
    • Take one of following options from the town folder:
      • NTSC-U => gafe.gci
      • PAL (Australia) => gafu.gci
      • PAL => gafp.gci
      • NTSC-J (Doubutsu no Mori e+) => gaej.gci
      • NTSC-J (Doubutsu no Mori +) => gafj.gci
  • Place the .gci file into the folder MCBackup\town
  • Follow Create a Memory Card to continue